
Understanding The Power Of Why by Stephen Venuti

Understanding The Power Of Why by Stephen Venuti

As we start out 2017, rather than doing a goal-planning exercise for you over a blog post, I thought it might be more useful to get you thinking a little bigger. First, this is for if you manage a team. Well, as I type that, I happen to think that it actually matters...

Stephen Venuti’s Annual Holiday Prayer

Stephen Venuti’s Annual Holiday Prayer

It's Monday the 19th, as I put this together, and many of our clients and friends are gearing up for a week of family and merriment, with a side dish of a little stress thrown in for good measure! I'm very aware that while the holidays are a time of joy for many, they...

Stephen Venuti’s Thoughts On Fear & Being Thankful

Stephen Venuti’s Thoughts On Fear & Being Thankful

Smack in the middle of horrendous civil war, President Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November as a national day of Thanksgiving which should take place every year. His entire Thanksgiving proclamation (written by his Secretary of State, William Seward) is...