Bankruptcy Options

Bankruptcy Can Be The Beginning of Your Financial Restoration!
If you are contemplating filing for bankruptcy to wipe out tax debt, interest and penalties, have a professional thoroughly review your situation prior to filing. In some cases, filing for bankruptcy will leave you with the clean slate necessary to start over. If you don’t qualify to eliminate tax debt through bankruptcy, however, you may find that when all is said and done, you still have a massive tax liability left to deal with.

As you may be aware, there are different types of bankruptcy that you can file for. Each one has a different purpose, outcome, and long-term effect. Determining which type of bankruptcy will be the best for your situation (if any) demands a close examination of your financial situation, assets, debts, and history from every angle. The opportunity of a second chance that bankruptcy offers could be just what you need, but you need to make sure that you have the best chance of success and nothing comes back to haunt you.

Contact us for pre-bankruptcy counseling to help you determine if bankruptcy is the best answer for you.

Before Filing for Bankruptcy, let us review your options with you.

Let Us Help:

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Ready to come in for an appointment?

Click here to schedule a time to meet with us. We will NOT make dealing with a tax professional as painful as it’s been in the past!

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