We’ve just finished celebrating our nation’s independence (the original “Brexit”, if you will). And my neighbors here in Newtown Square, PA still haven’t quite gotten the memo that the blowing off of fireworks can stop now.

Even in the midst of this celebration, it still feels as if we’ve been reeling a little, as a nation, and on the world stage. West Virginians are still cleaning up from the horrible flooding. The Zika Virus continues to scare people all over. The political mess in Europe (with #Brexit, etc.) is no less hairy, but Newtown Square, PA area business owners are realizing, I think, that it’s not something to panic about.

So, after the cool light of a week’s news has passed, businesses and families seem to be adjusting to a new normal. Consumer confidence still remains tepid and our political future seems murky — will the upcoming elections bring anything close to a positive change to the country?

It certainly remains to be seen.

But, I hope it’s not immodest to say that my humble ‘Newtown Square, PA Accountant’ advice from last week seems to have proven wise. I’ll rehash it here with a few expanded comments:

Venuti’s Key Reminder #1: What you choose to “ingest” will greatly impact your state-of-mind.

If you chose to ignore this advice, it’s likely your blood pressure felt the consequences over the past few weeks. Truly — the “mass” media do better (financially) when there is chaos, so there is a very real (monetary) incentive for them to highlight turmoil. If you’re wise, you steer clear. I’m not suggesting that you stick your head in the sand, just … use a strong filter and focus on winning for your Newtown Square, PA area small business.

Venuti’s Key Reminder #2: The only thing certain about the stock market is that it’s volatile. I believe you saw the truth in this statement?

The market recovered from the Brexit turmoil … but (though this is NOT “investment advice”) I will remind you that it’s almost always a good idea to hold fast. Sure, the short-termers may have profited from gyrations, but what’s most important, for your Newtown Square, PA area business and family’s financial future, is that you keep the loooong view.

Which, of course, leads me to my last reminder…

Venuti’s Key Reminder #3: The only thing you can truly control is yourself and your business. With every passing week, I see the growing truth of this statement. The economy, the local Newtown Square, PA area market for your goods and services, your retirement — much of it is out of your hands, in a very real sense.

That said, we met with Newtown Square, PA small business owners and clients last week who were taking positive action. With our advice, just a few small tweaks can realize six figures of true savings over the course of years.

Which is why I’m giving you one more chance on what I suggested last week:

Call my office this week: 610-353-0686 and request one of our limited Tax Planning Saver Sessions. During this session, we will analyze your Newtown Square, PA business’ current situation and identify clear action steps for the last two quarters of 2016 — designed to save your personal bottom line hundreds (or even thousands).

You CAN control your tax strategy … and we can help.

So here’s that incentive for you, one more time …

Chaos-Avoidance Special Offer
$50.00 Towards Tax Planning Strategy Session
Print out this blogpost and bring it to our office for a special strategy session for how you are using your income. We’ll identify the BEST ways for you to maximize your wealth for the current year, so that we won’t just be “cleaning up” after the fact.
Time to give yourself a raise, through smart and careful planning!

Deadline: Friday, July 8th OR when we reach our limit
Limit: First 8 respondents only
(we’re limited by capacity for these sessions)
Email or call us (610-353-0686) now!

Until then…


Stephen Venuti

Stephen J. Venuti, CPA, MST, LLC

Feel very free forward this article to a Newtown Square, PA business associate or client you know who could benefit from our assistance — or simply send them our way? While these particular articles usually relate to business strategy, as you know, we specialize in tax preparation and planning for Newtown Square, PA families and business owners. And we always make room for referrals from trusted sources like you.

Image of two young businessmen using touchpad at meeting

Image of two young businessmen using touchpad at meeting