
Peace of Mind…

A question was asked from my client during his "Tax Debt Settlement Evaluation" since my tax debt is larger than I can pay at one time, what are my options? You have the following options; sign an Installment Agreement with the IRS to pay your taxes over 6 years.  You...

FREE Educational Webinar

I'd like to invite you to a FREE educational webinar which demystifies the process of working out your tax liabilities with the IRS. This webinar, presented at no cost or obligation to you will reveal in plain English the strategies for saving you money and getting...

Venuti’s 10 Skills To Master For Business Success

Venuti’s 10 Skills To Master For Business Success

Last week I gave you a quiz. Got some great responses ... and in case you haven't had the chance to comment, here it is again (I'd love to know how you feel you are doing in these areas, so we can help you even more effectively -- email us by clicking the button at...

Stephen Venuti Advises on Whether to Lease or Buy

Stephen Venuti Advises on Whether to Lease or Buy

I'd like to explain why I spend time in these weekly notes dealing with marketing, sales and management issues -- especially since my specialty (and my team's) is cashflow, forecasting and accounting. You see, working with small business owners over the years, I've...