With all of the breaking news from over the weekend, I exercised some of my prerogative as a business owner and did some work for my Newtown Square, PA accounting clients, mostly to avoid having to get inundated by all of the media stoking over the Trayvon Martin tragedy and the Zimmerman verdict.

I don’t want to rent space in my head to merchants of chaos, frustration and fear.

And that’s my right, as the owner of my business. If I want to take a Monday off, I do. (I didn’t this week, but it’s nice that I COULD!) It’s one of the perks to not being an employee.

However, being a Newtown Square, PA-area business owner isn’t always easy.

But many are still drawn to the life of a business owner, because of its self-evident advantages. And often they are left on the side of road, because of a couple big mistakes they make in the very beginning.

I’d love to hear your thoughts…

Newtown Square, PA Small Business Accountant Smashes The Paper Tigers in Starting a Business
I’ve sat down with hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners here in Newtown Square, PA and nationally, in the course of my tax professional work.

Some very successful and some not-so-successful. And this morning, I was thinking about the not-so-successful ones in Newtown Square, PA and I realized they could be divided into two groups: those with the “New Idea” Disease and those with Stage Fright.

You see, the new idea isn’t a holy grail, despite what you might see on Shark Tank. No, the main component of small business success is in the execution.

But those who catch the New Idea Disease jump into concept after concept, full of excitement and ambition, only to fall flat. It’s a simple matter that they fail to realize that success comes from execution, *not* the idea.

On the other side are the entrepreneurs and budding business owners who are too afraid to act. They think, analyze and talk until they’re blue in the face, but they don’t take action. Their paralysis keeps them in their cushy corporate job or in the comfort zone of their modest small business. They’re paralyzed, and unable to jump in and act.

They have stage fright. And it’s a paper tiger.

Yes, I’m a tax professional — and averse to unreasonable risk. But I believe that the key for successful Newtown Square, PA entrepreneurship is to be in the middle of the spectrum: act on the idea (almost any idea will do), but realize that execution is everything.

Stephen Venuti